
Applying Heads Red BBQ Sauce to brisket turn in at the American Royal BBQ Competiton in Kansas City.
Rib Turn in with Heads Red BBQ sauce at the 2007 Illinois State BBQ Championship in Shannon IL

Cooking for the troops at Great Lakes Naval Base In Glenview IL on 9/11/2005.
This is a yearly charity cook put on by the KreSmokers BBQ team. I help out every year with cooking duties along with the Chi-Town Smokers and a few other area BBQ teams. This particular cook was very special to me in that we cooked for men and woman who had just returned home from a long tour of duty in Iraq the previous day.

This is what I am cooking BBQ on presently. Its a Backwoods Party made by Backwoods Smokers in Louisiana. They are great little smokers that are fun to cook on and although a bit pricey are well worth the money. Many top cooking teams uses Backwoods cookers for competition use . You can check out their product line at : . By the way, that object in the background with the cover on is my first smoker. Its an old New Braunfels Black Diamond offset smoker that I got at Home Depot about 6 years ago. Its the smoker that pretty much got this whole BBQ train a rolling for me. It doesnt get much use now but I still like to fire it up every once in awhile for nostalgia :)

Me, bro-in-law John , and son Bill cooking the Greek Easter lamb on what we affectionately refer to as "The Crematorium". Everyone is smlling except the lamb!

My wife Elaine and I getting ready to serve some BBQ pulled pork at a fundraiser held at The Loading Dock in Grafton, Illinois. Along with several other area restaurants and caterers we managed to help raise close to 25K for Alton Memorial hospital.

Myself and Eddie Nero , Pitmaster and owner of Big Eds BBQ in North Chicago Il.

The original Chi-Town Smokers competition BBQ. (from left to right, myself, Rob Cisneros, and Perry Bax. This was taken after our award winning day at Rockford Ribfest in 2003.

Awards Of Excellence winners at the 2010 National BBQ Association annual conference. Heads Red won 1st Place in the mild BBQ sauce category. |